Almost Autumn

Autumn is my absolute favorite season besides spring (but probably even better.)
Summer is great, even now I don't live as close to the beach as I used to in San Diego (15-20 min drive to any beaches..sweet!) here in NYC, summer is still fun and inspiring.
But it's just fall is so much more to me. The color deepens, the food tastes better, air is crisper, coffee feels more comforting and I feel more creative and productive.
It's like the pigments of every colors I see outside become more vivid and it's almost too beautiful and I cannot take it.
Luckily the fall in the northeast gives the best part of my favorite season compared to what it did in SoCal which was a lot more muted.
I remember the colors of Nara in the fall when I visited last year.

 Even though it was passed the best time of their leaf watching season, it was still magnificent.
I've seen better time, but it is always lovely to see the beautiful parks in the fall in Japan.
I think what makes the Japanese gardens/parks so beautiful is the sense of delicacy and very humble, simple design that gives the visitors sense of beauty in stoicism.
For the most part, I think that's the biggest difference between the parks in America and Japan. American parks that I've visited feels a lot more massive in fact that there is more space physically. There are more trees and trees are bigger..Maybe not always, but it always feels that everything is sort of "more" and "bigger" here (I'm talking about trees, parks and gardens).

 It is certainly impressive but sometimes feels lack of "emptiness" to me.
Maybe it's a cultural thing. I tend to think if there was a blank paper, American would fill out with colors. On the other hand, Japanese would use maybe less colors and leave more than half of the space blank.
I don't know if I can explain this well, but I think that when people are put in a smaller space, say, like Japanese people living in Japan, they would try to make the space feel larger than it actually is, so they would create this blank space to give the "breathing" space that could make the people in the space feel there is an illusional extra space.
But when people have so much space, let's take American people living in America as for an example, they would most likely feel the need of "filling up" the space.
That's probably where I think our cultural difference makes the way how we perceive the beauty in space differently.
And, by the way, don't get me wrong. I love both sense of beauty, either it feels filled (not cluttered) or empty. Differences only make things more interesting.
Image from Arima, Kobe.

What I was trying to say though is that I love the feel of minimalist and stoicism in the fall when everything is so full of beautiful things.
It makes me appreciate small little things more in the fall. I don't know why.
Maybe that's my kind of empty space that emphasize the surroundings-beautiful things. 

Everything else is filled with rich, full of colors and beauty, then I find one acorn and think that's like the happiest lovable thing.

 Pigeon Dynamite's Fall/Winter 2015 new rings are the kind of happiest lovable things.
Make sure you check out these handcrafted pieces and get ready for the beautiful season!

Thanks for reading,

カ リフォルニアのサンディエゴに住んでいた時は、本当15分位運転したらすぐビーチ!みたいな恵まれた場所に住んでたので夏はいつでも満喫出来るみたいな環 境だったんですが、今では近くても40分以上運転しないとビーチには行けないし、夏場は日本の海水浴場みたいに人が多いので(しかもカリフォルニアと違っ て有料なとこが多い。←結果そんなに混まない)ビーチっても何だかなぁ〜と行った気分になるんですが、それでもNYの夏はイベントも多いし楽しいです。
アメリカの公園とかは、何というか、日本みたいな繊細さが全くないです。まず第一スケールが違う。 アメリカの広大な公園や庭園はいくつか見てきましたが、お国柄なのかとりあえず全てが大きくて、大量なイメージ。とにかくダイナミックという感じ。



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