311 2011 and to the future

It was March 11th 2011 when M9.0 the largest earthquake ever recorded hit the east coast of Japan.

Pigeon Dynamite would like to dedicate this post to those who lost their lives and their families and those who are still affected by the disaster.
LA Times had before/after images last year to show how these cities in Northeast Japan changed over a few years. There is also a clip by NHK international that studies the earthquake and tsunami.  As the images from last year's LA times shows, after three years, the cities have been rebuilt but there are still 267,000 people who are in the evacuation camps and  have no place to go. There has been countless aftershocks for last three years and people are still warned to prepare for the scale of M8 level of possible aftershock today. It is said to be the Japanese government and the media controlling the news to tell the people of Japan what is really going on in the nuclear power plants in Fukushima and the people in Fukushima are still facing the fear of radiation every single day since the meltdown.
It is a quite difficult problem to solve for its scale and for its complexity, and many times it takes people risking their lives to work in the site.  I find it quite disturbing the government not telling the truth to the people.
There are people fighting everyday to survive.
We must not forget that.
Just because it is not happening here, it does not mean I don't care.

A boy looks at a candle light with a character reading: ''bond'', written on the candle holder at a memorial held in remembrance of victims of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Koriyama, Fukushima prefecture March 11, 2012. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao 
image:from 2012 in Fukushima/ http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/09/us-japan-fukushima-children-idUSBREA280RJ20140309
Video for this image: 1000 cnadles 2014

Today, I am praying for the people of Northeast Japan and hope for their future.

Thanks for reading.

Pigeon Dynamiteは今回ブログを通して、震災と津波で亡くなられた方たち、そしてその家族や友人の方たち、現在も避難所での生活を余儀なくされている26万人以上の方たちにご冥福と将来の希望を込めてお祈りします。




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